Sunday, February 27, 2011

Open Source Project Management Software - Endeavor

As you know I have become a huge advocate of open source software.  In my new roll as COO for a company that assists non-profit organizations implement systems, I have been looking for a good open source project management system.

I was very excited when I saw Endeavor, but had my hopes forever dashed when I looked at their video located at:

This is a case of the world gone mad.  A true example of total cyber crap!  The product lets you record Use Cases, People, Iterations (whatever that might be) and tasks (low priority).  There is no ability to establish dependencies between tasks.  There is no PERT or CPM calculations.  There is no resource leveling, or any other feature you would expect in a real project management system.

In fact to add insult to injury and clearly demonstrate the stupidity of the developers, they let a developer input a percentage of completion.  Obviously these idiots have never taken a project management class or managed a project. Asking a developer for a percentage completion is like predicting the future with a crystal ball (I think the fortune teller is more likely to be accurate than a programmer).

Why on earth a USELESS case (UML/Rational Use Case) would get into the tool at all is beyond my wildest imagination. 

Heaven help us and project us from the geeks! 

1 comment:

  1. Open source software can have a major impact on your entire organization. You need to use it wisely in a way that it will have more benefits than cons. A thorough project management training maybe needed.
